SEC Filings

XBRL Filings

Extensible Business Reporting Language

XBRL is an XML-based language for the electronic transmission of business and financial data in an interactive data format. XBRL is not an accounting standard; it is simply a standard for transmitting business and financial data.

Effective with our 2011 2nd Quarter Form 10-Q, we will begin to file our SEC Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with this interactive data format in XBRL exhibits. You will need an XBRL viewer to read these exhibits. The various XBRL exhibits included on this web page are displayed in their native XML format and have been included to provide you the option of importing them into your XBRL viewer of choice, such as the viewer provided by the SEC at An XBRL viewer will transform the six XBRL exhibits included within our filings and display the data in a traditional tabular format. Learn more about XBRL/, or download our filings below.

Displaying 1 to 6 of 6 files.

2nd Quarter 2011 XBRL Filings

  acur-20110630.xml (298.6 KiB) - added July 28, 2011

  acur-20110630.xsd (14.8 KiB) - added July 28, 2011

  acur-20110630_cal.xml (26.0 KiB) - added July 28, 2011

  acur-20110630_def.xml (78.6 KiB) - added July 28, 2011

  acur-20110630_lab.xml (85.5 KiB) - added July 28, 2011

  acur-20110630_pre.xml (86.6 KiB) - added July 28, 2011